


7 Cellar Songs - Below for our Album


First album  out -

7 Cellar Songs - 12.1.23

(see above)

An Alternative band from Pittsburgh, PA

If you are looking for a refreshing take on music that is not like many others you've heard, take a listen to Your Siiick, a duo consisting of Matt Tomayko on guitar and Darcy Tomayko on bass and vocals.  They've been playing together for over 10 years now and are eager to make a dent in the music world.  A blend of rock, psychedelic space noises with a bit of an infused dark undertone.  They have a passion and sheer desire to create some serious sonic waves all while having a good time in the making!

They have too many influences to list them all here but if you are curious to name a few they would be Spiritualized, BRMC, Royal Blood, RTJ, 2WEI, Beck 

Tool, NIN, Radiohead, The Kills, Rok Nardin, Apasche, Peter Gabriel, Brian Eno, The Seven Fields of Aphelion, Tigercub

Matt and Darcy, are a team with over 10,000 hours of time under their belts.  They are a burning manifesto of hippie culture with a subtle-bite and a kiss of Rock n' Roll.  Recently, they launched into focus on how they sound as a duo, calling the project, Your Siiick.  Together they conceptionalized Your Siiick in early 2020 and is a band name that is near and dear to them both.  They are bent on laying it out before you with their honest creativity and passion for the sonic multiverse that's far out there.  They want to build a great music scene, so please check back and follow.  

We wanna hear from all you Siiickos out there!  Drop a line! - Matt and Darcy

Their first record due out in 2022, producing independently on their own.   Please keep checking back or sign up for our fan emailing list to receiving our latest updates.

smash the sound barrier 2

Poetry Lounge 8.31.24

Summer 2021

tarentum craft beer fest 21'


Summer 2023

Club Cafe Opening for Hotel Fiction -23'

Booking Inquiries: